CII Foundation Woman Exemplar Program 2018
The Vice President of India, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu, presented the three grassroots women leaders with the CII Foundation Woman Exemplar Award 2018 for their extraordinary contribution in transforming the excluded and disadvantaged communities in India. Ms. Munni Begam, Ms Asha and Ms Vechulou Kanuo were conferred the awards in the fields of education, health and micro-enterprise respectively at the CII Exclusive Award Session held on 8th April in New Delhi.
The CII Foundation Woman Exemplar Program promotes women empowerment at the community level by discovering, recognizing and supporting grassroot women leaders who chose to look beyond their limitations and positively impacted their community. Since its inception in 2005, 41 grassroots women have been recognized and further empowered. The Exemplars have battled social injustice, stigma, poverty, illiteracy and exploitation, to triumph and further ignite the spirit of empowerment in others. The Foundation is creating a network of such outstanding women to spur dynamic learning and exchange among these change makers. The program will also explore opportunities and partnerships between CII members and these women exemplars to build a progressive and inclusive India.

Selected by an eminent panel from Industry and social sector, the awardees were shortlisted through a 4-step rigorous process from over 225 nominations received from NGOs across the country. In addition to a cash reward of Rs 3,00,000 each to the three women exemplars, the 15 finalists of WEP 2018 will be part of the CII Foundation leadership training and mentoring program. The award, now in its 14th year, was supported by JK Tyres (in Health category) and JCB India (in Micro-Enterprise category).
As part of the Woman Exemplar Program, CII Foundation also organized a capacity building workshop for 15 shortlisted women leaders on 5-6 April in Delhi, to understand their future plans, areas of support, draft mentoring program and provide them with the opportunity to interact with industry members.