Opportunities of corporate engagement in Government Schemes to empower women
Over the years, the Government of India has undertaken several initiatives like Ladli, Sukanya Samriddhi Account, One stop centre scheme, Swadhar Greh etc to empower women. These are broadly aimed at economic empowerment, girl child education, skilling women and, advocacy & capacity building on gender issues.
In the recent times, companies have intensified its engagement towards social development of the nation. According to the CII CSR Tracker 2015, the 1181 listed companies on the Bombay Stock Exchange spent INR 6400 crores on their CSR initiatives in the last financial year. It is a significant figure, considering the potential impact on social welfare and national building. Yet, only 2% of the total CSR spend was towards the cause of gender equality, with about 15% of the companies involved in that spent.
In the recent times, the government has taken several initiatives to encourage the companies to participate and engage in nation’s development by contributing their CSR funding in various government schemes. Some of the schemes to enable women empowerment through CSR interventions are mentioned below
Digital Saksharta Abhiyan (DISHA) or National Digital Literacy Mission (NDLM)
Making one person in every family digitally literate is one of the integral components of the Prime Minister’s vision of “Digital India”.
Launched on 21 August 2014, the Digital Saksharta Abhiyan (DISHA) or National Digital Literacy Mission (NDLM) Scheme aims to provide digital literacy to non-IT literate citizens. The scheme imparts IT training to 52.5 lakh persons that include Anganwadi and ASHA workers and authorised ration dealers in all the States/UTs across the country.
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao
Launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Yojana (save daughter, educate daughter) to save and empower the girl child. This scheme addresses the gender imbalance and discrimination against girl child in the Indian society. It is to increase awareness among common people to prevent female foeticide, celebrate the birth of a girl child and provide them education.