• For being a part of the program, the woman should have a nominator self-nominated forms will be rejected.
• Women should not be nominated by their own family members for the program. (Family encompasses of the immediate family of the woman and the
her spouse’s side of the family if married)
• Employers, partners, stakeholders, community members or government officials can nominate women for this program.
• The nominee should have a minimum work experience of 3 years in the category that she is being nominated for.
• Previous years’ finalists and winners are not eligible to apply for this program
• Women who have received recognition through National Award or State awards (including Chief Minister’s and Corporate Awards) are not eligible to
apply for this program.
• Incomplete forms or delayed submissions will automatically be rejected.
The nominated grassroots women change agents will be assessed on the following criteria:
• Vision and leadership
• Journey of personal transformation
• Impact created, and milestones achieved
• Profile of Beneficiaries Targeted (Extent of marginalisation of communities served by the Nominee)
• Approach and strategy for addressing a social problem
• Ability to ignite and mobilize people, resources and local partnerships
• Ideas for sustaining and scaling her program/ideas
• Self-motivation and continuous efforts for enhancing her own knowledge, skills and competencies
• Role model leadership with the ability to mentor and launch other change agent
• The CII Foundation Woman Exemplar Program will undertake a rigorous four-step process to identify the exemplars for the 2021 edition. The steps include:
• First shortlist of Nominees via desk review of the nomination forms
• Second shortlist of Nominees via telephonic interviews and reference checks with nominators and other referees
• Final shortlist of Nominees via field visits
• Selection of winners by an eminent jury or the National Steering Committee of the Woman Exemplar Program
• CII Foundation will conduct the outreach, due diligence and jury presentations
• A maximum of fifteen nominees will be identified as finalists (five each from education, health and micro-enterprise). The Steering Committee will decide
on three winners from the short-listed participants, one for each category.
• The three winners will receive a citation, a trophy and a cash prize of Rupees Three Lakhs each. All finalists will receive certificates, citation as well as capacity
building and coaching support.
• The selected Exemplars must personally accept the recognition at the CII National Conference and Annual Session. All Finalists, who receive invitation,
must attend this event. CII Foundation will arrange travel and stay for all the Finalists.
• In case there is no eligible candidate, no winner or finalist for the category would be presented.