CII Foundation Vaccination Initiatives
As the second wave of Covid ebbed, the focus shifted on vaccinating people to prevent a devastating third wave.
CII launched Project Vaccine Nation in 2021 to accelerate vaccinations across the country.
The CII Foundation is leading the vaccination drive in Tier II and III cities and rural India to vaccinate the underserved communities such as the Dalits and urban slum dwellers. The Foundation is collaborating with the government, local medical authorities and hospitals, NGOs, and community workers and with industry’s support rolling out
vaccination drives across India.
CII launched Project Vaccine Nation in 2021 to accelerate vaccinations across the country.
The CII Foundation is leading the vaccination drive in Tier II and III cities and rural India to vaccinate the underserved communities such as the Dalits and urban slum dwellers. The Foundation is collaborating with the government, local medical authorities and hospitals, NGOs, and community workers and with industry’s support rolling out
vaccination drives across India.
