Project Mandakini- Rebuilding Livelihoods of Women in Disaster Affected Villages in Kedar Valley

CII Foundation supported Mandakini Mahila Bunkar Samiti (MMBS) in setting up a spinning centre cum production unit at Devali Bhanigram village in the Kedar Valley, Uttarakhand. The centre provides employment to 300 women in the areas of handlooms, weaving and local crafts. The finished product is sold through local as well as international exhibitions.
to 300 women

The initiative has helped rebuild the livelihood of approximately 86 women by engaging them in handloom value chain i.e. skilling women to handle spinning, weaving, design development and strengthening market linkages etc.

The spinning centre was inaugurated in April 2015. The women employed here are able to generate a monthly income of INR 3,000 to 5,600.