The Hon’ble Prime Minister in his Independence Day speech on 15 August 2014 announced that all schools should have toilets with separate toilets for girls and same should be achieved in a year. The corporate sector was called upon to give priority to the provision of toilets in schools as part of their corporate social responsibility.
CII has always accorded priority to issues of national concern and have taken concrete steps to address the same. To accomplish the time bound national endeavor, CII and CII Foundation worked together to converge the CSR endeavors of industry members for sanitation, especially construction of toilets in schools.
CII Foundation took up Mission - Sanitation of Schools (SoS) to:
• Construct toilets in schools
• Create awareness & sensitization on sanitation and
• Create mechanisms for maintenance
Mission SoS is a mutli-stakeholder driven initiative where CII Foundation engaged with Companies, NGOs and the Government towards achieving the overall vision of Swachh Vidyalaya by 2015.
CII Foundation coordinated private sector support and response to construct toilets in the government schools across India. The Foundation also interacted with the Government at the center and at the states to share progress and convey implementation challenges faced by companies. In the first phase of Mission SoS, 31 private sector companies have undertaken construction of 4394 toilets in government schools across India, out of which 203 are undertaken by CIIF.
Click here to know more about Mission SoS
Mission SoS Engagement Model
CII Foundation facilitated and initiated construction of toilets in several government schools in Delhi, Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan.
Along with construction and O&M of toilets, WASH training is given to the students and teachers of intervened Government Schools in Maharashtra, Bihar and Tamil Nadu. Committees consisting of teachers have been constituted to oversee the day to day cleanliness of the toilets.